This page serves as a collection of my ongoing work with the OpERA Project. Every time I read something, I add notes and try to sort it into different categories as applicable. As the report for my work has to be in German, you can expect lot’s German text here.
- my unread linkstuffs
- APIs and meta data
- repositories
- business models
- contributors
- related research
- My page on OER World Map
Open Educational Resources are, in general, part of Open Culture (as is Open Access). They are available
- for free (as in beer).
- under an open license, permitting re-use and modification.
OEGlobal 2018 Conference - 24. April 2018
- calendar for upcoming OER events in “the year of open” (which is just an iframe to
- calendar to all events and events in Germany
Awesome showcase of OER in practice